Academic Network of Conservational Hip Outcomes Research (ANCHOR)

ANCHOR The ANCHOR study group is administered at Washington University under the direction of Dr. Clohisy.  This study group is focused on improving the diagnosis and treatment of adolescent and young adult patients with pre-arthritic hip disease (femoroacetabular impingement and dysplasia). The study group currently includes 15 surgeons at nine institutions.  The investigators collect prospective multi-center data on hip preservation procedures including outcome measures of hip function, hip pain, quality of life, overall health, high-level activity and economic value.

It is our hope that these data will lead to improved patient care as well as a foundation for future, more sophisticated clinical outcomes studies.  The ANCHOR group is committed to high-level clinical outcomes research, and encompasses an outstanding collection of dedicated surgeons and clinical researchers.  The ANCHOR study group shares the vision of improving care for patients afflicted with pre-arthritic hip disease. A few representative publications from the ANCHOR group are listed below.

  1. A Systematic Approach to the Plain Radiographic Evaluation of the Young Adult Hip
  2. Periacetabular Osteotomy for Acetabular Dysplasia in Patients Older than 40 Years
  3. Multicenter Study of Complications Following Surgical Dislocation of the Hip

The research activities of the ANCHOR group are supported by various mechanisms. One important source is the “Curing Hip Disease Fund”. Grateful patients, families and philanthropists have supported this fund and donations are always appreciated. For more information or to make a donation please refer to this page.