About Our Practice

Welcome to our hip practice in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University. Below is a summary of our practice organization, and an introduction to the members of our healthcare team. Our primary goal is to provide outstanding orthopaedic patient care. To do so, we have developed a team of highly specialized healthcare providers who will work together to optimize your treatment. Our team members and their roles in your care are summarized below.

John C. Clohisy, M.D. – Surgeon and attending physician. Direct involvement and oversight of all patient care, surgical and research activities. Dr. Clohisy is your physician and surgeon.

Chad Schmitz, PA-C – Physician Assistant – Independently evaluates and treats a variety of patients who return for follow-up visits or have a new hip or knee joint problem. Clinic visits with Chad are efficient and provide an excellent opportunity for routine follow-up visits.  He works in close collaboration with Dr. Clohisy and will perform many of our routine follow-up evaluations. (Phone: 314-514-3500)

Madelyn Curry, BSN, RN, RNFA, ONCBSN, RN, RNFA, ONC – Clinical Nurse Coordinator – Oversees all clinical care including: Scheduling of surgical procedures, preoperative patient education, perioperative care, and post-surgical care (Phone: 314-747-2494).

Caroline E. Drain, MHS; Gail Pashos, BS MT ASCP; Sean Akers R.T.(R)(ARRT); Karla Crook, BA; Emily Hunkins BS; Zak Robben MS; Kelly Morris – Research personnel from our clinical research program. Description and enrollment for clinical studies and data collection process.

We hope this information is helpful and enables you to be well-acquainted with our team approach to your orthopaedic care. Please do not hesitate to ask questions regarding the above information. Our entire team is committed to providing you with outstanding care.

To make a patient appointment, please call: 314-514-3500