Surgical dislocation for complex FAI in an active adult baseball player

I was diagnosed with a hip impingement four years ago.  Dr. Clohisy informed me that I had numerous bone spurs and that my Labrum had calcified resulting in pain and discomfort that was affecting my day to day life.

I decided to have surgery in September of 2008.  The results of this procedure have been very good.  After a long rehab, I was on the golf course by April and playing baseball again by May.  While there was some discomfort and some scar tissue to deal with; I was able to fully participate in the activities that I enjoy.

I struggled that first summer mainly due to a screw that was inserted into my Femur that was rubbing, but Dr. Clohisy removed the screw in November of 2009, and I have been doing great.

If you suffer from hip pain and you are a candidate for this procedure, I would highly recommend it.  But I would also add this word of caution.   You should plan on a lengthy and somewhat painful recovery.  It is a major surgery that requires dedication to physical therapy.  If you go in with the right attitude you should see terrific results.

I play 30-35 baseball games each summer catching at least 20 of those games.  I snow ski, play golf and ride my bike on a regular basis.  None of this would be possible with out the expertise of Dr. Clohisy.