PAO and surgical dislocation in a young adult female

I used to cry when I got out of bed in the morning.  I was in severe hip pain for months.  I always had a limp of some sort, but as I was getting older, my limp got worse.  I decided to start exercising on a regular basis.  One day my pain just went to a whole new level.  I was unable to workout after that point.  Dr. Clohisy was recommended as being the best.  I took the four hour trip to St. Louis to meet him and see what his diagnosis would be. I was given the news that I would need a serious surgery.  A pelvic osteotemy with surgical dislocation.

I was devastated of course. I was so scared about what my life would be like after surgery.  Would I be able to exercise or run?  I am glad to say that I am in better shape now than before the surgery.  I completed my first 8k and 5k over the summer.  I am almost completely pain free.  I do have days that I am sore, however it is not comparable to the pain I was in before surgery.  Before I met Dr. Clohisy I had no hope of being pain free.  He is an amazing surgeon and I am living a much more comfortable life thanks to him.