Hip arthroscopy for impingement in a 31-year-old outdoorsman

In the year leading up to my surgery, I had severe pain in both hips.  It was difficult for me, a man at the young age of 30, to sit, stand, sleep, or do any of the activities that I loved without being in pain.  Along with playing rigorously with my two young children, I enjoyed hunting, fishing, and partaking in sports of all kinds in the outdoors.

I began to gain weight and became very moody.  At that time, I went to see an orthopedic surgeon, who recommended Dr. Clohisy and his team.  Thank God.  When Dr. Clohisy reviewed my MRI’s and dug deeper into what could be wrong, he discovered I’d need arthroscopy surgery on my left and right hips. After meeting Dr. Clohisy’s staff and witnessed their level of professionalism and individual attention, I knew I was in the right place.

In December 2008, my family and I went to Barnes Jewish Hospital to have the right hip worked on.  The procedure was a success and I was on my feet the next day.  My recovery included therapy daily and after two months, I knew I couldn’t wait to have the other hip done.

In August 2009, my family and I again made the trip to Barnes Jewish to have my other hip fixed.  Unfortunately, my left hip was damaged more extensively than the right.  However, Dr. Clohisy performed another successful surgery.  This time, I was instructed to put zero weight on that leg for a month.  I recovered at an accelerated rate, and was able to participate in the 2009 hunting season, something that was very important to me.

Now, I’m back to hunting, fishing, playing softball, and my kids can’t keep up with me!  I guess now I have to use something else as an excuse, when I’m moody.  I appreciate the professionalism of Barnes Jewish Hospital, and especially Dr. Clohisy’s orthopedic surgical team.

Hip arthroscopy for impingement in a 31-year-old outdoorsman

Hip arthroscopy for impingement in a 31-year-old outdoorsman