Hip arthroscopy for treatment of an acetabular labral tear in a female dancer

History and Evaluation: This professional dancer presented with a history of intermittent hip pain for seven years.  She reported a sudden onset of pain during a dance performance.  Pain increased over the past year especially with high kicks. Patient gave up dance completely 4 months prior to clinic visit due to her hip pain.

X rays showed no hip deformity or arthritis, but her magnetic resonance arthrogram (MRA) demonstrated an acetabular labral tear.

Treatment: The labral tear was treated arthroscopically with refixation.

Labral tear Hip arthroscopy for treatment of an acetabular labral tear in a female dancer

Labral Repair Hip arthroscopy for treatment of an acetabular labral tear in a female dancer

Outcomes: The patient returned to full dance activities and resumed her previous activity level.

Dancer Hip arthroscopy for treatment of an acetabular labral tear in a female dancer

Dancer Hip arthroscopy for treatment of an acetabular labral tear in a female dancer

Dancer Hip arthroscopy for treatment of an acetabular labral tear in a female dancer

Link to patient testimonial