Hip arthroscopy for an 18 year old male baseball player with FAI

History and Evaluation: An 18 year old male, division 1 baseball player presented with activity-related, left groin pain for one year.   Patient initially thought pain was a quadriceps muscle strain but physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medicine did not improve symptoms.

Imaging showed significant cam and mild pincer impingement as well as a an acetabular labral tear.

Pre OP Frog Hip arthroscopy for an 18 year old male baseball player with FAI

Treatment: Hip arthroscopy was performed to stabilize the labrum, smooth the acetabular cartilage (chondroplasty), and trim the rim for pincer impingement.   The cam impingement was then treated with arthroscopy of the peripheral compartment.

Post OP Frog Hip arthroscopy for an 18 year old male baseball player with FAI

Labral Tear Picture Hip arthroscopy for an 18 year old male baseball player with FAI

Labral Repair Hip arthroscopy for an 18 year old male baseball player with FAI

Outcomes: One year after surgery patient has returned to division 1 baseball and is pain free.